An exercise in empathy




Invisible Words is an exhibition of compelling and powerful words, words that we may see everyday, but rarely take the time to read and digest. The curated collection of homeless signs showcases a range of emotions from embarrassment and shame, desperation and anger to humor and political insight.  The words are raw, emotional and some, magnificently poetic.  The presentation of the signs in a gallery setting is in stark contrast to the sidewalks and underpasses across the United States where the signs were purchased. The exhibition is intended to be “an exercise in empathy”, an opportunity for the viewer to study the words in a new light, void of the often awkward interaction when their author is present. 

In addition to the nearly colorless framed words that envelope the walls of the gallery, a series of colorful, 3-dimensional objects are displayed on pedestals in the center of the gallery.  The ordinary objects were selected to represent the often overlooked items in a home- nail polish, coffee table books, computer chargers, laundry detergent; items that are a luxury for a person confronted with homelessness. 

Social activist, Wendy Abrams, created the exhibit simply to create a conversation. She explains, “Homelessness is a heart wrenching, and complicated problem. I don’t pretend to have the answers, and this exhibit is not intended to tell viewers what to do. Art has the power to make you think, this exhibit was put together to do that, to see things you didn’t see before, or to see them through a different lens.” 

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